Friday, November 7, 2014

Minnie Mania

Hello Dear Friends!

Thank you for stopping by even when I was not answering. 

As mentioned in my last post my little granddaughter had some serious eye problems.  Thank God the worst seems to be over.  And I thank you for your prayers:-)

So now thoughts are on Christmas and I've been busy making a few fun things.

One of my little ones is obsessed with Minnie Mouse.  She LOVES everything Minnie and was even dressed as Minnie for Halloween.

I know....too cute!

So I found this little Minnie hat pattern on a fellow blog and made one for her for a Christmas gift.

I think she will like it.
And for the five year old....

a Minnie bow on a headband ear warmer!

These were such fun to make and will hopefully be a hit for Christmas.
Also, we did travel to Alaska and I promise I will post about that trip soon!!!
So much to do and so little time...  Does anyone else have this issue?
                     Until next time and hopefully not so long,



  1. Glad to hear that things are looking up. Missed your blogging!

  2. Your work is amazing!!! So glad that she is doing well! They will love their gifts!!!

  3. Sending prayers to your little granddaughter Terri, not easy when a little one is suffering. Love the Minnie Mouse items.

  4. So, so, so cute! Yes, finding time is always an issue. Healing wishes for your granddaughter. Tammy


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