Sometimes a yarn only needs a little help deciding what it wants to become.

I had found this yarn at a small shop when traveling last year
and liked the colors.
(Think I've seen it locally since then:-)
(Think I've seen it locally since then:-)
But when I got it home, I didn't know
what to make with it,
so in the stash it went.

My three year old granddaughter, Sarah,
got into my stash one day and
plucked this yarn out of the pile
and asked me to make something for her.
Pink is her FAVORITE color!
Pink is her FAVORITE color!

Well how could I refuse!
This Angel Wing Pinafore pattern seemed
the perfect choice.

Crocheted in one piece from top down,
in a simple, but lovely
shell pattern.

The pattern is for an infant
but easily convertible for larger sizes.
Wish I could make the conversions
that easily when knitting!
Wish I could make the conversions
that easily when knitting!

Think I will give it to her for Christmas!

Until next time~