HomeMy Etsy ShopPine Needle BasketsKnitting/CrochetMy Travels

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


Finished at last!!!

After more hours than I want to think about, my pine needle basket is finally done!

It doesn't look that big in the photos, but it is about 14" in diameter.

The two tones are made from long leaf pine needles and the
lighter color is sweet grass.

I used dark brown waxed thread on the pine needles and for the wrapped rows
and a natural color on the sweetgrass.

If you look closely you can see the stitch design.

Different stitches give different results.  I wanted to create a pattern.

The agate center is very eye catching.

Now it's off to the judges at the State Fair.

Will keep you posted:-)

                      Until next time ~



  1. That is gorgeous. Now, how is the stone attached??

  2. Ok, strike that question. I scrolled bag a few posts and found the answer. ha! Great work.

    1. Thank you! Was wanting to finish it before the holidays, but that didn't happen:-) btw...I love your figurines!

  3. Stunning. I love the geode as the base and the beautiful needlework. This must take a ribbon.

  4. Hi Terri! Good to meet you and thanks for dropping by my post here in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
    I had to chuckle when you said there could be a 'nip in the air' in Northern Florida!! I know, it is all relative!
    Good thing you booked your trip here in September. It is a beautiful time of year here.

    I am overwhelmed by your basket work....I so appreciate your skill at making these. Did you teach yourself or was it passed down to you?
    Have a great weekend and look forward to following you.

    1. I am so excited about our trip to Nova Scotia! If you have any "can't miss this" suggestions, please let me know!

      As for the baskets, thank you for your kind comments. A friend taught me and it became addictive. Unfortunately, I haven't found any other bloggers with this interest/passion...yet.

      So nice meeting you!

      Your newest follower...


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