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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Hidden Gems

I love finding hidden gems!  Especially when they involve travel and history.
And the history doesn't always have to be ancient for a place to be interesting.

Last week we stopped in Monroeville Alabama.  It's a very small town with a southern feel.
But it also had a feeling of familiarity. 

The streets were quiet.  Not much traffic.  But not surprising due to the fact that Monroeville is in the middle of nowhere.

There was a sense of history.  Something had happened here. 


 Does this building look familiar?

Monroeville is where the movie To Kill a Mockingbird was filmed.  Many of the local businesses are named Lee as Harper Lee had family here and that's why this town was chosen.
We weren't able to spend a lot of time in Monroeville but were told that the town reenacts parts of the movie each year.  Hopefully we can return to enjoy that and more sometime soon.
Until next time ~


  1. Hi Terri, What a great bit of info! To Kill a Mockingbird is my all time favorite movie. Maybe one day I'll get to visit Monroeville too! :)

    1. I've heard the town does an annual presentation around the movie and everyone dresses in period costume. It would be fun to see that in action!

  2. It's just like with people. Everyone, every place has a story. Best wishes, Tammy


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